
We want the PostThread community to come together to organize and curate the platform and we feel the best way to do that is to allow users to organize and "vouch" for each other. To do this, we have designed a system around who a user is following and who is following them. Curating a substantial following is key to increasing your influence on the site.

Weight and Capture Rate

Every user receives a weight of 1 when they mint their profile. Their weight increases as they continue to interact with the system. Each interaction a user makes reduces their capture rate by 10%. The capture rate is a multiplier on how much their weight will increase from every interaction. The capture rate regenerates overtime until reaching a max of 1 and it increases exponentially. Therefore, it is not recommended to drain your capture rate as it would take much longer to regenerate from 10 to 20, rather than 90 to 100.

Weight multiplier

There is another weight multiplier that is based off a user's following and followers. The multiplier is determined using Google's PageRank algorithm. In summary, users share their multiplier with those they are following and increase their multiplier by getting followed. Therefore, a user with no followers will have a multiplier of 0 and will not increase any of their followers ranks. Also, the PageRank algorithm makes it so a user with many accounts following themselves do not increase their total multiplier at all since each account will give and receive an equivalent amount of multiplier increase.


If a user wishes to simply lurk on our site and not work towards developing a following, they can still increase the value of their profile by upvoting and downvoting posts. These interactions will increase their weight and allow them to potentially sell their profile to someone who is new to the platform and wants to develop a following, and/or have a higher influence on the site. This means someone with no money in the site can potentially earn by helping to curate the content by giving feedback on how the feel about a post.

Content creators are rewarded with a higher weight due to the followers they will receive. This can be very powerful because they will be able increase the

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